Elinor Carlisle, a beautiful young socialite, stands on trial, seemingly unremorseful, being found guilty of double murder. Poirot, who is at unease about this trial, has only five days before the sentence is carried out. But can he save her life?
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One day, Elinor receives an anonymous letter regarding aunt Laura, that she shows to her fiance and cousin Roddy Winter. She has suffered from a stroke and is very ill. Elinor stands to inherit thousands at her death. Adding to it, the death of the gardener s daughter, to whom Elinor s fiance was attracted, makes her a strong suspect in both the cases. But Poirot seems to be at unrest and feels Elinor is not the culprit. Can he save her from the death sentence?
Cast:David Suchet, Hugh Fraser, Philip Jackson, Pauline Moran, David Yelland