Zafar is shell-shocked when he comes face-to-face with Aladdin, who’s accompanied by Yasmine and Jinoo. Later, the magical mirror narrates to him the story of Aladdin and Yasmine’s rebirth in Turkistan and the journey to Baghdad.
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Zafar is curious to find out who is Ammi’s saviour. But when he sees the face of the boy, Zafar is shell-shocked! He cannot believe what he sees, because before him, stands Aladdin, accompanied by Yasmine and Jinoo. The magical mirror reveals to him the entire story of Aladdin and Yasmine’s rebirth and their journey to Baghdad. Tune in to this dramatic episode and find out how Zafar digests the resurfacing of his greatest enemy, Aladdin.
Cast:Siddharth Nigam, Ashi Singh, Aamir Dalvi, Smita Bansal, Gaurav Khanna, Gulfam Khan, Gyan Prakash