Aladdin, who is being grossly misunderstood by Ammi, leaves to meet Zafar. Over a game of chess, Aladdin uses his wit to extract Kala Chirag’s information from Zafar and makes him believe that he is ready to help with fetching the Kala Chirag.
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Ammi thinks that Aladdin is not a good soul to be around, because of his proximity to Zafar. Aladdin, on the other hand, is only faking his support to Zafar for acquiring the Kala Chirag. His real intention is to seek revenge from the evil Sultaan. Watch the drama that unfolds, as Aladdin defeats Zafar in a game of chess and very smartly extracts information about the Kala Chirag.
Cast:Siddharth Nigam, Ashi Singh, Aamir Dalvi, Smita Bansal, Gaurav Khanna, Gulfam Khan, Gyan Prakash