This episode is the first of two-episode story of a budding cricketer who faced with abject poverty, resorts to crime to arrange money for his education and coaching, and ends up in a correctional facility.
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This episode is the first of two-episode story of a budding cricketer who faced with abject poverty, resorts to crime to arrange money for his education and coaching, and ends up in a correctional facility. The story of protagonist, Avinash begins from his hometown, Lucknow where he becomes the talk of the town with his performance in school level cricket competitions. Unfortunately, his father, Bajrang Choubey is unable to meet the needs of his son, so much so that he wants Avinash to quit the sports. Unable to think life without cricket, Avinash steals money from home and flees to Mumbai where his equally poor maternal uncle, Damodar Pandey lives. Avinash's uncle and his son Rakesh welcome him with open arms as they realize that Avinash has the potential to make it big in cricket world.