This episode is the second and final instalment of two-episode investigation of the killing of an unidentified young woman, whose beheaded body was found dumped at a construction site at Hashimpur, Punjab.
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This episode is the second and final instalment of two-episode investigation of the killing of an unidentified young woman, whose beheaded body was found dumped at a construction site at Hashimpur, Punjab. The only identifiable object in this blind murder case is a pink salwar suit worn by the woman. An autopsy later reveals that the actual cause of death is poisoning and the body was beheaded after the death. Four days later, a police constable Devjit Kumar identifies the body as that of his daughter Aanchal. Aanchal was married to Rajeev, who too happens to be a constable. Rajeev emerges as the prime suspect as his relations with his wife were said to be sore. He’s alcoholic and he allegedly used to beat Aanchal on regular basis. So much so that Aanchal was mostly living with her parents along with her 7-year-old daughter, Rashi, and she had even asked for divorce.