Anoop Soni explores the story of Suman Vardhana, an 18-year old upper caste village girl, who falls in love with a low caste guy and pays a heavy price for the same.
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Anoop Soni explores the story of Suman Vardhana, an 18-year old upper caste village girl (near Meerut) who falls in love with a low caste guy and pays a heavy price for the same. Suman who was a first-year college student, was like any other teenage girl full of young, natural desires. The young couple did their best keeping their romance under cover for a while and had had daring rendezvous even at nearby Meerut town. But as it happens Suman's father got the whiff of their romance and he and his two sons beat Manav black and blue. A shocking incident occurs with Suman.