The plot of the English TV Series, Damages, revolves around the brilliant, ruthless lawyer, Patty Hewes and her newest protegee, recent law school graduate, Ellen Parsons. Each season features a major case that Hewes and her firm take on, while also examining a chapter of the complex relationship between Ellen and Patty. The first two seasons center on the law firm, Hewes & Associates (located in New York City). Later, the seasons center more on Patty and Ellen's relationship, as Ellen attempts to distance herself from Hewes & Associates, professionally and personally.
The plot of the English TV Series, Damages, revolves around the brilliant, ruthless lawyer, Patty Hewes and her newest protegee, recent law school graduate, Ellen Parsons. Each season features a major case that Hewes and her firm take on, while also examining a chapter of the complex relationship between Ellen and Patty. The first two seasons center on the law firm, Hewes & Associates (located in New York City). Later, the seasons center more on Patty and Ellen's relationship, as Ellen attempts to distance herself from Hewes & Associates, professionally and personally.
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