Steve finds out why tigers look green to their prey and why geckos have hairy toes.
Steve finds out which predators have the best weapons on earth, from squid with giant tentacles to free-diving crocodiles and a silent owl assassin.
Steve goes in search of Deadly Predators with the greatest super-senses on earth. From echolocating bats to supersonic whales, and a snake that sees its prey in complete darkness.
Steve meets a punching shrimp, the world’s heaviest eagle, and comes face to face with a wolf.
Steve goes in search of the fastest Deadly Predators on earth. Using the latest CGI, Steve high-dives off a rugged cliff in Wales next to a gannet, tests the speed and accuracy of a gannet dive in a sky-high experiment in his deadly junkyard using a crane and an old caravan, and takes to the kayak for an amazing animal encounter with thousands of wild gannets.
Steve uncovers the secrets of sharks, the world’s most infamous predators. He heads out into the Atlantic Ocean to dive with blue sharks, a beautiful but deadly species which can travel up to 10,000km per year looking for food. He finds out how their big pectoral fins allow them to glide gracefully through the water, and how they are now threatened by overfishing for their fins.