The beautiful onscreen pair of Salman Yusuff Khan and Zaara Yesmin, along with the star cast of popular show, Mere Dad Ki Dulhan grace the India’s Best Dancer stage. The contestants are ready to bowl them over in this entertaining ‘Shaadi Special’.
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India’s Best Dancer stage welcomes the beautiful onscreen pair of Kandhe Ka Woh Til, exceptional dancer, Salman Yusuff Khan and the gorgeous actress, Zaara Yesmin. Celebrating ‘Shaadi Special’, the star cast of popular show Mere Dad Ki Dulhan, Varun Badola, Shweta Tiwari, and Anjali Tatrari also join in, adding to the entertainment quotient. With extraordinary performances of our contestants, to Nora shaking a leg with Salman, this episode is unmissable. Watch it right away!