While Raylan investigates the unexplained disappearance of a corrupt Florida Coast Guard Officer and finds a suspicious link of the Crowe crime family in it, Boyd tries to raise money to keep Ava from going to the trial.
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The new season of Justified begins with Raylan investigating the disappearance of a crooked Florida Coast Guard officer on Art’s insistence. He was implicated in a sugar smuggling scheme run by a Cuban criminal, Elvis Manuel Machado and Dewey’s cousins, Daryl Jr. and Dilly. Once in Miami, Raylan joins Deputy Marshal Gregg Sutter and questions the Crowe’s family associate, but to no avail. Meanwhile, to keep Ava’s murder case from going to trial, Boyd tries to raise cash through a drug deal.
Cast:Timothy Olyphant, Nick Searcy, Joelle Carter, Jacob Pitts
Producer:Benjamin Cavell, Steven Heth, Chris Provenzano