The all-female Tendulkar family, spanning three generations, distrusts men deeply while running a thriving spice business led by matriarch Mai Tendulkar. When the youngest member Sanika falls in love with Samar, the son of a construction baron, chaos ensues as he tries to win over these strong-willed women. Will the Tendulkars accept their love? 'Khumasdar Natyancha Goda Masala' stars Mahima Mhatre, Anuj Salunkhe, Nayana Apte, Seema Deshmukh and Sharvani Pille.
The all-female Tendulkar family, spanning three generations, distrusts men deeply while running a thriving spice business led by matriarch Mai Tendulkar. When the youngest member Sanika falls in love with Samar, the son of a construction baron, chaos ensues as he tries to win over these strong-willed women. Will the Tendulkars accept their love? 'Khumasdar Natyancha Goda Masala' stars Mahima Mhatre, Anuj Salunkhe, Nayana Apte, Seema Deshmukh and Sharvani Pille.
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