While living with his grandparents in their serene town, estranged from his loving parents, little Lampan struggles to catch his mother’s attention and love while she pays a brief visit and finally becomes reassured about her love for him.
As Lampan’s mother leaves after her visit, his fears and insecurities amplify, especially when is afraid that his grandmother is replaced by a demon-like figure. Luckily for little Lampan, it eventually turns out to be their domestic help, Baburao. In the process, he finally makes a new friend.
In spite of his loving grandparents and his new special friend Sumi, Lampan’s sensitive mind is trying to become rooted in a completely new universe. However, little incidents make him feel lonely and alienated.
To add to Lampan’s fears, he crosses paths with Jambya, a school bully famous for his slaps. However, an unlikely and accidental friendship is born instead, much like their respective grandfathers.
Lampan has unknowingly adjusted to his new world when his grandfather has to leave for a work trip and he starts feeling more connected and responsible as he helps his grandfather pack and catch his train on time.
A more rooted, grown up Lampan finds warmth and meaning in Sumi’s friendship, which is accentuated when he falls ill after a joyful and sensitizing school day trip to a scenic spot.
While Lampan enjoys his holiday visit to his parents’ house, he starts missing his school and friends, especially Sumi. It is evident that he is now well rooted in a world that was once alien and scary for him.