An unusual reality show, ‘Maut Ka Khel’, starts where eight celebrities will be locked inside a scary palace. Will these celebrities enjoy this game, or will they get played with instead?
It’s the contestant’s first night in the palace, and everyone but Ketki hears a loud painful scream. Will Ketki be safe?
Ketki goes missing in the morning, and all the other contestants doubt Tannaz. Aashka experiences something unusual creeping in her bedsheets.
Aashka sees the spirit of a man who threatens her to leave the palace, whereas Tannaz finds Ketki's dead body. Is there real danger lurking around?
Bhakhtyar is killed, and everyone else realises that Ketki died earlier too. The spirit starts attacking the contestants, and only five of them can make it out of the palace.
Hunger makes Roshni decide to leave the company of the others to look for food. With something lurking behind the bushes, keeping an eye on her, is Roshni in danger?
Aashka wakes up to find herself separated from Gautam and Vivan. She starts looking for them. Will this separation cost her her life?
Gautam, Roshni and Vivan reach an old palace, where they meet Aryan and Karishma. Later, Sanjeet kills the cook. Will the others be safe?
Gautam tells Vivan that Sanjeet is possessed and believes that Aryan and Karishma aren't who they appear to be. Gautam has a plan up his sleeve. Later, Vivan tries to save Bobby from Sanjeet.
After Sanjeet kills Vivan, Gautam locks him in a room and pressurises Karishma to tell him the truth. Karishma locks Gautam and Roshni in another room. How will Gautam and Roshni escape?