A young boy named Murli, who recently moved to Patna with his family, struggles to adjust and decides to leave a note behind before running away from home. While on the run, he encounters Nandini. Will this meeting influence him to change his decision?
Murli and Nandini walk back to Nandini's house together, where Murli discovers that his father is working for Nandini's grandfather. Meanwhile, Nandini proudly informs her family that she has topped her class.
Nandini wants to skip school and spend the day with her friends. Meanwhile, Murli is preoccupied with comparing himself to Vikram. Later, Nandini asks Vikram to be the male lead in the school play.
On the first day of play rehearsal, Murli didn’t show up. Deepu informs Nandini that Murli is ill and has also injured his hand. Later, Nandini visits Murli. Will he manage to overcome his fear of English?
Murli writes a letter to Nandini admitting his fear of English. Later, Vikram discovers that Murli is not truthful and discloses the truth to Nandini before Murli has a chance to do so. What will be the outcome?
Murli informs his father that he won’t be attending Nandini's birthday party. Vikram, irritated by Nandini's absence from the rehearsals, leaves in frustration. Later, Nandini confronts Murli about his lies.
Murli discusses tuition classes with his mother. Meanwhile, Nandini’s mother advises her to befriend Vikram. Nandini responds that she plans to meet Murli in the evening to help him with his English studies.
Murli fabricates a story to his father Vinod, claiming that the money for the electricity bill was stolen, which is why he couldn’t pay it. Meanwhile, Nandini arrives at his house to teach him English.
Murli begins to believe that Nandini has feelings for him, unaware that it is actually her friend who likes him. Later, when he goes to the coffee shop to meet the girl, how will he react upon discovering she isn't Nandini?
Murli feels disheartened upon realizing that the girl who likes him isn’t Nandini. Nandini apologizes to Vikram for her harsh remarks. Later, Murli confides his sorrow to Deepu.