The diverse family of primates lives under the threat of extinction, and it is imperative that corrective actions be initiated right here, right now. Some of the scientists, from across the globe, are doing just that. Not only are they going out of their ways to bring forth revolutionary findings, they are also keeping a close tab on the behavioral aspects of the primates, the key to their conservation. Also meet Dr, Russel Mittermeier, the first to have seen every type of primate on the planet.
Dusky leaf monkeys compete to be babysitters. Gibbon learns dare-devil treetop acrobatics with playmates. An Amazon female spider monkey elder leads her troop to their unique food resource. The bizarre slender loris in Sri Lanka gets captured in some of the most intimate images ever captured. And in Atlantic forests, the diminutive male golden headed lion tamarin is the most devoted dad ever. Watch these, and other primates in this definitive portrait of our closest relatives. Fascinating social behaviour, new species and unforgettable characters; meet primates at their most social.
Be it the snow-capped mountains or the dingy alleys. From the water-logged forests to the vast savannah, primates have been ruling the earth, on their own terms. This has been possible owing to their remarkable survival strategies, which makes them fit to thrive in the most unexpected places, under difficult living conditions. Watch this episode to know some of the secret survival hacks that monkeys, apes, lemurs, baboons and rhesus macaques use to their advantage.