Super Dancer Maharashtra is the reality show which is hosted by Ameya Wagh and super judged by Amruta Khanvilkar, Vitthal Patil and Satish Rajwade. It is based on the master-disciple theme performed to impress the judges to become the super dancer of Maharashtra. The first contestant couple Prerana and Bharat would give a blasting performance for kick-starting this grand show.
Ameya Wagh opens the episodes to introduce himself as Superman along with the super judges. Ameya then reveals the theme of this season, which is to showcase the relationship between the Guru's and the dancers. The judges are impressed by Anil and Anvesha for their unique dance style. Later, Amruta appreciates Anvesha and Anil and gives a go-ahead for their qualification into the further round.
Ameya Wagh as host announces that the super judges will select twelve best participants who will be qualified for the next round earning a golden admission card. The judges are mesmerized by Nagraj’s performance and join him on the stage to groove themselves. Later, super judge Amruta offers Nagraj the golden admission card making him a part of the super twelve.
The episode begins with the host Ameya giving valuable directions to participants about their performances. He introduces the judges as they wait to start the performances of both groups. Later, he calls the first performer by giving a unique introduction to their performance. Charvi’s performance impresses the judges so much that they give her a standing ovation.
Before opening the episode, the participants prep up for the Diwali festival to recall their childhood memories. The participants build a fort and make a lantern to decorating the set. However, host Ameya, super judges and the children celebrate Diwali on the sets followed by some versatile dance performances. Later, the host Ameya gives his best wishes to the dancers.
The Diwali special episode begins with the judges distributing sweets to the contestants. Shambhavi along with her super guru present a cute dance performance which leaves an impact on the judges, especially Amruta. Jigyasa and Prashant impress the super judges with their joyful dance. Watch the entire episode to find out which super dancer gets eliminated.
In the Childrens Day special episode of Super Dancer Maharashtra, the children are told the reason behind them celebrating the Childrens Day week with everyone. Ameya gives a shocking news about elimination will be conducted this week. Krupa along with her super guru gives a tremendous performance to leave an impression on the judges.
Before opening the show, Ameya tries to handle the kids as they wreak havoc on the stage. Ameya kick-starts the episode by giving his best wishes to all the participants for childrens day. Avdhut along with his super guru gives a tremendous performance and leaves the judges awestruck.
The host Ameya Wagh is excited about the theme of Folk Dance of Maharashtra which will be celebrated in this week. Ameya tells everyone the importance of the folk culture of Maharashtra that has nearly vanished as people are accepting the western culture into the daily lives. Amruta and other super judges are excited to watch the folk dances that will be performed by the contestants.
The folk special theme continues even in this episode of Super Dancer Maharashtra. Avdhut along with his partner Abhishek performs the Koli dance form from Maharashtra making the audience and the judges groove with them. Another impactful dance form of Powada is presented by Anushka and Swapnil.