While Rishabh is trying to get in touch with Chandani, Bua ji tells Rajeev to take charge of Swapnil’s marriage. Seeing Rishabh’s pull towards Chandani, Rajeev tells Rishabh to scout for her on Facebook and get in touch with her there.
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Chandani cannot interpret Rishabh’s message, as the ink has smeared all over the paper. Desperate to get in touch with her, Rishabh heads to meet Chandani, but the warden doesn’t permit him. Parallelly, Bua ji tells Rajeev to take up the responsibility for Swapnil’s marriage. While the family discusses about Swapnil's wedding, Rajeev notices how his son is smitten by Chandani, and tells him that he should look for her on Facebook. Tune into this interesting episode to know what happens next.