This is a satirical comedy about todays Generation X and Y of Kolkata/India and not just the Bengalis. Through the story of a middle class family and the story of Rohit and Sneha, and their passion, we explore the Kolkata of today - a cosmopolitan concoction of dreams, passion, developments, cultural nuances and confusions. This concoction is what makes our culture and traditions, hilarious and yet fascinating to study as one that is always developing, growing and adapting in every way to the changing trends of this modernized world.
This is a satirical comedy about todays Generation X and Y of Kolkata/India and not just the Bengalis. Through the story of a middle class family and the story of Rohit and Sneha, and their passion, we explore the Kolkata of today - a cosmopolitan concoction of dreams, passion, developments, cultural nuances and confusions. This concoction is what makes our culture and traditions, hilarious and yet fascinating to study as one that is always developing, growing and adapting in every way to the changing trends of this modernized world.
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