Meet Bollywood’s ideal couple, Ashutosh Rana and Renuka Shahane on The Kapil Sharma Show. The laughter express refuses to stop when Renuka and Ashutosh get chatty with Kapil and indulge in some fun games. Catch all the lively action here.
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Kapil Sharma welcomes one of Bollywood’s most ideal couples, Ashutosh Rana and Renuka Shahane. Kapil’s questions about Renuka falling in love with Ashutosh, Ashutosh’s writing, Renuka’s first visit to Ashutosh’s set and much more, gets the couple to be at their wittiest best. Renuka showcases her hidden talent and sings a romantic number for Ashutosh. Plus, Bachcha and Titli’s banter makes Renuka wish if she and Ashutosh were a couple like them. Catch this high-on-entertainment episode to know more.