This weekend, the well-known lyricists, Swanand Kirkire, Amitabh Bhattacharya and Manoj Muntashir, join our favourite host, Kapil on The Kapil Sharma Show. Catch this hilarious episode which promises lots of laughter.
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The entertainment mode on The Kapil Sharma Show turns lyrical, as celebrated lyricists Swanand Kirkire, Amitabh Bhattacharya and Manoj Muntashir, join our favourite host. Kapil starts asking them some funny questions which leaves the guests in splits. Plus, the hilarious acts by Baccha Yadav and Mitti Mouse take the fun to a new level. Join the Kapil gang to have some musical fun and get to know some funny secrets and the hidden talent of our guests. Tune into this lyrical episode!