Suniel Shetty, Sohail Khan from Mumbai Heroes, Jisshu Sengupta from Bengal Tigers, Navraj Hans from Punjab De Sher, Manoj Tiwari and Dinesh Lal Yadav from Bhojpuri Dabanngs, Sudeep from Karnataka Bulldozers are here on this episode.
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Suniel Shetty, Sohail Khan from Mumbai Heroes, Jisshu Sengupta from Bengal Tigers, Navraj Hans from Punjab De Sher, Manoj Tiwari and Dinesh Lal Yadav from Bhojpuri Dabanngs, Sudeep from Karnataka Bulldozers, Rajeev Pillai from Kerala Strikers, Sachin Joshi from Telegu Warriors are on this episode. All of the celebrity superstars from the CCL are here to joke around, laugh out loud and to break a leg with Kapil, in The Kapil Sharma Show.