The show explores two Sankaari Bahus, Dhanshree and Tanuja along with their nanad Manya. Both the bahus are well trained secret special agents. They have been chosen by their Boss who is none other than their Sasurji. This fact is hidden from the rest of the family. So these three will have to play two roles of managing their household chores as well as solving national conflicts and their biggest challenge will be to fight with the might and dangerous DON GAMASHA.
The show explores two Sankaari Bahus, Dhanshree and Tanuja along with their nanad Manya. Both the bahus are well trained secret special agents. They have been chosen by their Boss who is none other than their Sasurji. This fact is hidden from the rest of the family. So these three will have to play two roles of managing their household chores as well as solving national conflicts and their biggest challenge will be to fight with the might and dangerous DON GAMASHA.
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