Professor Brian Cox continues his epic exploration of the universe with a journey into darkness. The centre of our galaxy is home to an invisible monster of unimaginable power - a supermassive black hole named Sagittarius A. Weighing 4 million times the mass of the Sun, it's an object with such an immense gravitational field that nothing can escape - not even light.
Black holes are the most destructive forces in the universe and can swallow whole stars. We know they exist because of the effect they have on the surrounding space.
The Milky Way is a constant reminder of our place in the galaxy we call home. What shaped this giant spiral of stars, gas, and dust, and what will be its destiny?
With over 2,800 exoplanets confirmed by Kepler and discoveries still rolling in, Brian lays out his own answer to the age-old question with thrilling new science: are we alone?
Since the first star lit up the universe, they have been engines of creation. Professor Brian Cox reveals how, ultimately, stars brought life and meaning to the universe.