Mangesh scolds Manoj for mistreating Vidya, who is anxious about her test results. Later, Vandana and Vidya are surprised by the results and share good news with everyone. What is the good news?
Manoj tells Vadnana that Vidya missed her doctor's appointment. During her checkup, they find a male gynecologist has replaced her usual one. Later, Vidya gathers everyone to share some news.
Vandana tells Atharva to pay rent or leave. Rajesh asks him to choose a bride. Later, Atharva proposes to Ruchita. How will she react?
The entire family is in a state of shock as Rajesh accepts Atharva's demands to get married. Has Atharva really convinced him or does Rajesh have a plan in mind?
Atharva gets inspired after reading about the struggles of freedom fighters in India. Later, Atharva tells his family that he wants to get married. What will happen now?
Manoj discovers that his family has secretly helped him by anonymously giving money. But the truth behind the lost funds is finally revealed, changing everything.
Manoj lands in hot water with his boss after losing company funds. His family rallies around him, offering support, but can he recover from this financial fiasco?
Kittu confesses the truth to the judges, expressing her love for her parents. Manoj admits he lost his boss's money. What happens next?
Kittu lies about her parents' constant fighting but still makes it to 'Nanhe Mobile Stars.' In the next round, she lies again. Later, Dakshesh wants her to quit the show. Will he succeed in convincing her?
Sakhi and her family are shocked when Kittu's meaningless poem goes viral. Media expert Mr. Srivastav promises to make Kittu a superstar and urges her to upload another video within the hour. What will happen next?